As a part of the traditional Chinese spiritual world there is a group called Immortals. No matter whether they are male or female, young or old, the immortals are usually worshiped as gods of longevity.

Iron-Crutch Li Tie-guai, Lii Tiie-guaii 李鐵拐 (AKA Li Yuan) is one of my favorite among this group. You will often see him portrayed as one of the Eight Immortals. The Eight Immortals are a very human (with all of the foibles and strengths of any human) and cheerful group who became particularly popular in the 14th Century through Yuan Dynasty dramas.
The 8 Immortals
Iron-Crutch Li Tie-guai, Lii Tiie-guaii 李鐵拐 was the first of the eight to have achieved immortality through his Daoist practices. Although he has a bad temper and a fondness for wine, he cares deeply for people and their troubles. He is always portrayed as an ugly cripple who uses an iron crutch and carries a gourd from which he dispenses medicines. As an indication of the benefits people gain from his medicines, a bat is usually seen flying out of his gourd.
Since Iron-Crutch Li Tie-guai, Lii Tiie-guaii 李鐵拐 represents the sick and disabled, he has become the patron of pharmacists. They often have pictures and carvings of him on their shop signs.
References: Bartholomew; Land of the Dragon, Chinese Myth. Metro Books; Eberhard; Tales of the Taoist Immortals by Eva Wong.